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Northeast Slopes (2014)
Northeast Slopes
East Corinth, Vermont
Status: Open
First Season:1936-37
Vertical Drop:360 feet
Standing Lifts:Surface lifts
Past Lifts:
Left: Northeast Slopes (2014)
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Located off Route 25 in eastern Vermont, Northeast Slopes is considered the longest continuously running ski area in the country. The area is funded by ski revenue, donations, and tax dollars from Corinth, Bradford, and Topsham.

Bradford Winter Sports Club

Eastman Hill (circa 1939)
Eastman Hill (circa 1939)

The origins of Northeast Slopes date back to March of 1936, when the Bradford Winter Sports Club was organized "as a means for your own enjoyment" and to make Bradford "as popular as Woodstock, Littleton, [and] Hanover." Later that year, a rope tow was installed on a hill at the end of Pleasant Street referred to as Mt. Tug. The tow was built under the supervision of David Dodd, who was involved in the construction the country's first rope tow at Woodstock. Also sporting trails, a ski jump, and a skating rink, Bradford's winter sports complex featured "everything within walking distance in our town." W. Gilbert Cole served as president of the club.

Unfortunately, the winter of 1936-37 had scant natural snowfall, leaving the new rope tow idle. In January, the Bradford Winter Sports Club found a farm 10 miles west of town that was one of the only places around with natural snow. An agreement was made with owner Eugene Eastman and soon the Bradford Winter Sports Club relocated its 750 foot rope tow to East Corinth. The farm had been in Eastman's family since his great-great-grandfather Benjamin Scribner had received a deed for a 50-acre tract in 1793. The future Northeast Slopes, then sometimes known as Eastman Hill, debuted at the end of January. Soon, skiers from as far away as New York City were coming to East Corinth, as it was one of the only lift-served areas around to have snow. In early February, the area had 175 skiers using the slopes with a similarly sized audience watching from the road.

On March 6, the Bradford Winter Sports Club hosted its first Winter Carnival at Eastman Hill. Events included a cross country ski race, a downhill ski race, a scooter race, a ski jumping competition, and a dance. Tickets to the event were 25 cents.

A new rope tow was installed for the 1937-38 season, extending to the top of Eastman Hill. The 1,400 foot tow was reportedly powered by a Buick engine operating the rope at 15 miles per hour. A toboggan slide was set up in conjunction with the tow, while a village skating rink was enhanced. Slopes were improved with the removal of rocks and other obstructions. Plowed parking was set up on the other side of the highway to provide more room for a ski runout. In addition, a log cabin shelter was constructed. The ski season may have started on New Year's weekend.

A unique "combination" race was held in late January. Competitors would ski a slalom course, ride the rope tow, then ski a separate downhill course to the finish line. Eastman Hill once again hosted the Bradford Winter Sports Club Winter Carnival in early March.

Mechanical improvements were made to the rope tow for the 1938-39 season. The town newspaper pointed out that "it is unfortunate that the hill is not nearer to the village, but had the tow been located in or near Bradford, there would probably have been no skiing at all due to the mild weather for the last two years. As it is our tow has operated every week end for the last two winters, which is a record no other tow in New England can boast." The Eastmans also provided overnight accommodations at their house, with Honora providing all-you-can-eat meals.

To help boost participation, club president W. Gilbert Cole studied under Sepp Ruschp at Stowe in January, so that he could become an instructor and offer multi-week lesson plans.

Wanting to provide better opportunities to locals, the Bradford Winter Sports Club installed a rope tow on its original hill for the 1939-40 season, while continuing to use Eastman Hill.

The club's lease of Eastman Hill expired following the 1939-40 season. Weston Blake may have acquired an interest in the area at this time, later reflecting that "When I saw Northeast I was enchanted." A Weston, Massachusetts resident and former Dartmouth College ski team captain, Blake had been operating the Brookline ski area in New Hampshire. Eastman refused to sign a contract, reportedly telling Blake, "Whatever I tell you I'll do, I'll do, but I am not going to sign any contract." The Eastman and Blake families enjoyed a long-lasting business arrangement and friendship.

The 1940-41 season reportedly started in early December and the United Opinion reported "fine business" at Eastman's during the winter of 1941-42. Operations continued in 1942-43, despite World War II. It is not known if the lift operated during the 1943-44 or 1944-45 seasons. Subsequent accounts suggest the area was closed for two winters during the war due to decreased business and gas rationing, though others claim the area remained in operation.

Following World War II, the slopes were advertised as the East Corinth Tow and were open on weekends and by appointment for private parties.

East Corinth Ski Tow Becomes Northeast Slopes

1940s and 1950s advertisements
1940s and 1950s advertisements

The ski area took on its present name of Northeast Slopes during the winter of 1946-47, which likely started just after Christmas. In February, the Boston Globe noted the area "has long been noted for its interesting and variable terrain" and that a portable novice tow was on order.

For 1947-48, Blake constructed a rope tow ski area in New London, New Hampshire near Colby Junior College. Northeast Slopes enjoyed a rare late November start that season and saw base depths approaching two to three feet during a record Washington birthday weekend. Warm rain in mid-March brought the season to a quick end.

The winters of 1948-49 and 1949-50 both had late starts, with little skiing before mid-January. Though Northeast Slopes only had a few inches of base for much of this time, it offered some of the only skiing in pre-snowmaking New England. As a result, skiers drove hundreds of pre-interstate-highway miles to Northeast Slopes. Eugene Eastman later noted that, "My pasture faces north and in the winter, you don't get more than two, three hours of sun on it a day." Blake added, "That slope is so smooth, not a rock, not a pebble, you could ski on very little," noting he had skied it with as little as an inch of snow.

A third tow may have been installed for the 1950-51 season, though subsequent listings continued to note just two. The season likely got underway on minimal snowpack just before New Year's and ran until late March. The 1951-52 season enjoyed a pre-Christmas start and likely ran until late March. 1952-53 was likely not as strong, starting just before New Year's and likely ending in early March.

The 1953-54 season didn't start until mid-January, but an early spring storm allowed skiing to stretch into April. The 1954-55 season also may not have started until January, but lasted into late March.

The 1955-56 season started just before New Year's, but Northeast Slopes was closed for much of January due to a lack of snow. The season kicked into gear in February and lasted until early April.

Earl Cruickshank was hired as manager for the 1956-57 season, as Blake's primary business interests required more of his attention. Blake nevertheless retained his ownership share and continued to bring large groups up from Massachusetts, while he and his wife also enjoyed vacationing with the Eastmans. The 1956-57 season featured pre-Christmas skiing and saw good visitation when thaws zapped snowpack at other areas in late January, thanks to its snow-retaining location. The season may have petered out before mid-March.

The Barre Skyline ski area debuted for the 1957-58 season, placing a Pomalift-served alternative minutes away from Northeast Slopes. A lack of snow delayed opening day until mid-January, but the season managed to extend into late March.

The snack bar was expanded for the 1958-59 season to include "hot and cold running water, increased toilet facilities, and other conveniences." Eastman's son in law, Lawrence Della Santa, managed the snack bar that season, which had an early December opening and possibly an early March closing.

The 1959-60 season started on New Year's Day and likely ran through late March. In a February feature in the Times Argus, Eastman disclosed that Northeast Slopes had never lost money, in part because they abstained from "pomalifts and other modern means" which avoided costs and kept prices low. Eastman's son Glynn managed the snack bar.

The 1960-61 season started just before New Year's, but likely faded out in early March due to a lack of snow. The 1961-62 season also started just before New Year's.

Eastman and Blake Sell the Ski Area

Northeast Slopes (1962)
Northeast Slopes (1962)

During the 1962 offseason, word emerged that Eugene Eastman, now 66 years old, and Weston Blake, about to turn 60, were planning to discontinue operations. Facing closure, a group of locals formed a plan to sell $6,000 in stock to purchase the ski area. A committee was formed including W. Gilbert Cole, James Perry, Jack Butler, Horace Palmer, Craig White, John Pierson, and Putnam Blodgett. Northeast Slopes Ski Tows, Inc. was registered in Vermont in the fall, with Cole serving as president. A Bombardier snowcat was purchased and improvements were made to the slopes. Larry Williams was hired as manager.

The 1962-63 season got underway after Christmas, operating on a weekend and vacation schedule. An uptick in business was attributed to the arrival of modern grooming. Though no longer an owner, Weston Blake made the trip up from Massachusetts in February to ski at Northeast Slopes and visit the Eastmans.

Beginner options were improved for the 1963-64 season, as a ledge on the novice slope was covered with dirt and the small rope tow was rebuilt. Meanwhile, a conditions sign was constructed in nearby Bradford to inform and direct potential skiers to the area. The season got underway after Christmas, but suffered from scant snowpack at times, shutting down due to lack of snow in early March. The area reopened briefly for a few turns before the end of calendar winter.

A mid-December start was advertised for the 1964-65 season, however a rain storm dashed hope. The area did manage to open just before Christmas, though warm drizzle dampened holiday week conditions. It is not known if there was much, if any, skiing after February.

The 1965-66 season kicked off on Christmas Eve, but was quickly halted when "the weatherman washed much of it off with rain," before resuming a few days later. Advertisements referred to the area as "the most skiing for your money anywhere."

Northeast Slopes (1967)
Northeast Slopes (1967)

A new 24 by 42 foot base shelter with a concrete floor was constructed for the 1966-67 season, featuring picture windows and a fireplace. The original shelter, which had been reportedly expanded three times, was moved to the base of the beginner rope tow. After a barren start to December, a Christmas storm kicked off the season.

While Northeast Slopes had been generally a weekends and vacations operation, it added a Wednesday morning Ladies' Day for the 1966-67 season. For two dollars, ladies were able to get a lesson and use of the novice lift.

Jon Stryker, a 20-year-old student at Vermont Technical College and graduate of Bradford Academy, took over as manager of the ski area for the 1968-69 season.

The 1970s

Northeast Slopes during the 1970s
Northeast Slopes during the 1970s

The 1969-70 season kicked off just after Christmas. In addition to the usual weekend and holiday operations, weekly ladies days continued, plus a weekly $1 afternoon novice lift session.

In February 1973, Northeast Slopes Ski Tows, Inc. announced a $25,000 stock sale initiative to fund the installation of a T-Bar for the 1973-74 season. Plans for night skiing were also discussed. Adequate funds were not raised by the annual meeting at the end of the year, so the money was returned.

Finances were getting tight, as Northeast Slopes Ski Tows, Inc. requested all who were interested in seeing the area continue operating to attend the 1975 annual meeting. Shareholders worked to develop a plan to break even on operations and entered into an agreement with Glynn Eastman to operate the snack bar.

Operations continued during the late 1970s with assorted fundraisers to help cover costs. Eugene Eastman's wife Honora passed away on February 11, 1977. Eastman later reflected, "My wife was a corker. She could could - wasn't anything that woman couldn't make taste good. She just took care of everything here, the house, the skiers, she could handle anything and never turn a hair. A wonderful woman."

In 1979, the directors of the corporation vowed to increase advertising to help attract new skiers. It is not known if or how many days the ski area operated during the poor winter of 1979-80.

Northeast Slopes operated during the winter of 1980-81 with Carroll Bean serving as manager.

Eastman Sells the Farm

Kitty and Martin Diggins circa the 1981-82 ski season
Kitty and Martin Diggins circa the 1981-82 ski season

Meanwhile, Eugene Eastman, now an octogenarian, had been stepping back from his various duties, including a four-decade tenure as a selectman. Ironically, in his decades of owning the ski area, Eastman had neve learned to ski, telling the Valley News, "Didn't have the time. Had 400 other thigns to do - the farm, the cattle, sugarin'."

Martin "Marty" Diggins and his wife Kitty were searching for property. A manager for Exxon, Diggins was looking to relocate from Connecticut and start a horse ranch. In August 1981, the Diggins acquired Eastman's 165-acre farm, including Northeast Slopes. Eastman continued to reside in the house.

The Diggins' plans for the property included continuing Northeast Slopes, to Marty noted "I've never been on a pair of skis in my life." Noting "You cannot make a living on the ski tow alone," they planned to have horses, fishing, hunting, camping, and accommodations for 12 to 14 people in the farm house. The also hoped to open a bar. Though the ski area would still be referred to as Northeast Slopes, the overall property was named Rainbow Ranch. The 1981-82 season likely started just before Christmas.

Though the Diggins lost money during the otherwise good winter of 1981-82, they hoped to install a new lift for the 1982-83 season. Diggins had reportedly identified four potential second-hand lifts, hoping to acquire one cheaply and install it on his own.

The 1983-84 season started after a snow storm a few days before Christmas and extended into March.

Eugene Eastman passed away in July 2, 1984 at the age of 88.

An Uncertain Future

Northeast Slopes 50th Anniversary (February 1986)
Northeast Slopes 50th Anniversary (February 1986)

Circa the 1984-85 season, the Diggins ran into financial problems and the property reverted to Eastman's estate. Northeast Slopes Ski Tows, Inc. had retained ownership of the equipment and kept the area operational.

In the fall of 1985, local developer George Huntington acquired the Eastman farm property. Though the property had been reportedly divided into housing lots, the new owner allowed the corporation to continue operating. Another challenge faced by the corporation was the cost of insurance, which had increased to $3,600, despite no history of claims.

On February 22, 1986, Northeast Slopes held a 50th anniversary gala, which included races, music, and an "Old Timers' Dress Parade." Former Bradford Winter Sports Club president W. Gilbert "Bud" Cole, now 78, brought his wooden skis to the event, telling the Valley news, "We were here before the big ski areas got started. There's been a lot of skiing on this hill." Due to the uncertainty about the property, some worried that the gala may be a farewell bash.

The Non-Profit Takes Over

Northeast Slopes (2008)
Northeast Slopes (2008)

Fortunately for Northeast Slopes, Huntington had no intention with redeveloping the ski area property. He later told the Valley News, "I had learned my skiing as a kid there and taught all my kids on those slopes and I just didn't want to see it go by the wayside." During the 1986 off-season, the non-profit Northeast Slopes, Inc. was formed, which then acquired the 50 acres containing the ski area and adajcent undeveloped property for future expansion. Huntington reportedly provided a gift of $10,000 to $15,000 embedded in the transaction, which was primarily funded by a $52,000 loan from an anonymous donor.

Former owner Weston Blake passed away on February 15, 1994 at the age of 91.

The T-Bar Era

Northeast Slopes (2014)
Northeast Slopes (2014)

Former owner Martin Diggins passed away on June 21, 2003 at the age of 76.

After years of discussions, circa 2005 board members agreed to purchase a T-Bar from Bradford, MA. Fundraising continued in subsequent years, leading to the board authorizing a $70,000 loan to move the project forward.

Thanks to various grants and a $70,000 donation from former Northeast skier Leland Blodgett, installation of the T-Bar commenced in 2008. With virtually all of the work conducted by volunteers, construction continued into 2009. The grand opening of the John A. Pierson Jr. T-Bar took place on December 26, 2009. Reports
Month Average Percent of Terrain Open
January100%    (2 reports)100 Open
March100%    (2 reports)100 Open
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Northeast Slopes, 2008 vs. 2014
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Standing Lifts
The bottom terminal in 2014
John A. Pierson Jr. T-Bar

Past Lifts

2024-25 Northeast Slopes Trail Map
2017-18 Northeast Slopes Trail Map2018-19 Northeast Slopes Trail Map2019-20 Northeast Slopes Trail Map2020-21 Northeast Slopes Trail Map2021-22 Northeast Slopes Trail Map2022-23 Northeast Slopes Trail Map
View All Northeast Slopes Trail Maps

Year by Year History
Adult Weekend Full Day Lift Ticket; Adult Full Price Unlimited Season Pass. Window price, including RFID fee and taxes when known.
2020s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
2024-25$15.002024-25 Ticket Price Graph$150.002024-25 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysJanuary 17March 152024-25 Skier Visit Graph
2023-24$15.002023-24 Ticket Price Graph$150.002023-24 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysJanuary 19March 272023-24 Skier Visit Graph
2022-23$15.002022-23 Ticket Price Graph$150.002022-23 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysDecember 18March 292022-23 Skier Visit Graph
2021-22$15.002021-22 Ticket Price Graph$150.002021-22 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysJanuary 17March 162021-22 Skier Visit Graph
2020-212020-21 Ticket Price Graph2020-21 Season Pass Price GraphJanuary 17March 102020-21 Skier Visit Graph
2019-20$15.002019-20 Ticket Price Graph$150.002019-20 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysJanuary 5March 12019-20 Skier Visit Graph
2010s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
2018-19$15.002018-19 Ticket Price Graph$150.002018-19 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysJanuary 5April 112018-19 Skier Visit Graph
2017-18$15.002017-18 Ticket Price Graph$150.002017-18 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysDecember 26March 282017-18 Skier Visit Graph
2016-17$15.002016-17 Ticket Price Graph$150.002016-17 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysDecember 262016-17 Skier Visit Graph
2015-16$15.002015-16 Ticket Price Graph$150.002015-16 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysJanuary 20February 202015-16 Skier Visit Graph
2014-15$15.002014-15 Ticket Price Graph$150.002014-15 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysJanuary 7April 12014-15 Skier Visit Graph
2013-14$15.002013-14 Ticket Price Graph2013-14 Season Pass Price Graph2013-14 Skier Visit Graph
2012-13$15.002012-13 Ticket Price Graph2012-13 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 292012-13 Skier Visit Graph
2011-12$15.002011-12 Ticket Price Graph2011-12 Season Pass Price Graph2011-12 Skier Visit Graph
2010-11$12.002010-11 Ticket Price Graph2010-11 Season Pass Price Graph2010-11 Skier Visit Graph
2009-10$12.002009-10 Ticket Price Graph2009-10 Season Pass Price Graph2009-10 Skier Visit Graph
2000s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
2008-09$12.002008-09 Ticket Price Graph2008-09 Season Pass Price Graph2008-09 Skier Visit Graph
1990s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1993-94$9.001993-94 Ticket Price Graph1993-94 Season Pass Price Graph1993-94 Skier Visit Graph
1980s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1988-89$6.001988-89 Ticket Price Graph1988-89 Season Pass Price Graph1988-89 Skier Visit Graph
1986-87$6.001986-87 Ticket Price Graph$75.001986-87 Season Pass Price Graph12.5 days1986-87 Skier Visit Graph
1985-86$6.001985-86 Ticket Price Graph$75.001985-86 Season Pass Price Graph12.5 days1985-86 Skier Visit Graph
1983-841983-84 Ticket Price Graph1983-84 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 221983-84 Skier Visit Graph
1981-82$10.001981-82 Ticket Price Graph$125.001981-82 Season Pass Price Graph12.5 days1981-82 Skier Visit Graph
1970s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1976-771976-77 Ticket Price Graph1976-77 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 261976-77 Skier Visit Graph
1974-75$3.501974-75 Ticket Price Graph1974-75 Season Pass Price Graph1974-75 Skier Visit Graph
1973-74$3.001973-74 Ticket Price Graph1973-74 Season Pass Price Graph1973-74 Skier Visit Graph
1972-73$2.501972-73 Ticket Price Graph$18.001972-73 Season Pass Price Graph7.2 daysDecember 231972-73 Skier Visit Graph
1971-72$2.501971-72 Ticket Price Graph1971-72 Season Pass Price Graph1971-72 Skier Visit Graph
1970-71$2.501970-71 Ticket Price Graph1970-71 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 191970-71 Skier Visit Graph
1969-701969-70 Ticket Price Graph$15.501969-70 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 261969-70 Skier Visit Graph
1960s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1968-691968-69 Ticket Price Graph$15.001968-69 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 211968-69 Skier Visit Graph
1967-68$2.001967-68 Ticket Price Graph$15.001967-68 Season Pass Price Graph7.5 daysDecember 301967-68 Skier Visit Graph
1966-67$2.001966-67 Ticket Price Graph$15.001966-67 Season Pass Price Graph7.5 days1966-67 Skier Visit Graph
1965-661965-66 Ticket Price Graph$12.501965-66 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 241965-66 Skier Visit Graph
1964-651964-65 Ticket Price Graph$12.501964-65 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 231964-65 Skier Visit Graph
1963-64$2.001963-64 Ticket Price Graph$12.501963-64 Season Pass Price Graph6.3 daysDecember 27March 141963-64 Skier Visit Graph
1962-63$2.001962-63 Ticket Price Graph$10.001962-63 Season Pass Price Graph5.0 daysDecember 26March 311962-63 Skier Visit Graph
1961-621961-62 Ticket Price Graph1961-62 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 301961-62 Skier Visit Graph
1960-61$2.001960-61 Ticket Price Graph$20.001960-61 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysDecember 301960-61 Skier Visit Graph
1959-60$2.001959-60 Ticket Price Graph$20.001959-60 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysJanuary 11959-60 Skier Visit Graph
1950s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1958-59$1.501958-59 Ticket Price Graph$15.001958-59 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysDecember 61958-59 Skier Visit Graph
1957-58$1.501957-58 Ticket Price Graph$15.001957-58 Season Pass Price Graph10.0 daysJanuary 111957-58 Skier Visit Graph
1956-571956-57 Ticket Price Graph1956-57 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 23March 101956-57 Skier Visit Graph
1955-561955-56 Ticket Price Graph$10.001955-56 Season Pass Price GraphApril 81955-56 Skier Visit Graph
1954-55$1.501954-55 Ticket Price Graph$10.001954-55 Season Pass Price Graph6.7 days1954-55 Skier Visit Graph
1953-54$1.501953-54 Ticket Price Graph1953-54 Season Pass Price GraphApril 41953-54 Skier Visit Graph
1951-521951-52 Ticket Price Graph1951-52 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 211951-52 Skier Visit Graph
1949-501949-50 Ticket Price Graph1949-50 Season Pass Price GraphJanuary 7April 21949-50 Skier Visit Graph
1940s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1948-491948-49 Ticket Price Graph1948-49 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 28March 201948-49 Skier Visit Graph
1947-481947-48 Ticket Price Graph1947-48 Season Pass Price GraphNovember 291947-48 Skier Visit Graph
1946-471946-47 Ticket Price Graph1946-47 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 281946-47 Skier Visit Graph
1930s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1937-38$0.501937-38 Ticket Price Graph1937-38 Season Pass Price Graph1937-38 Skier Visit Graph
1936-371936-37 Ticket Price Graph1936-37 Season Pass Price GraphJanuary 301936-37 Skier Visit Graph

Visitor Memories
"I go to Northeast slopes every year with my ski team. It is probably my favorite area in New England even though it is the smallest. They have a great staff with really fun skiing. My favorite part is their extremely fast rope tow. it's always a fun time there and I will enjoy continuing to go there."
Colter LIngelbach-Pierce, Nov. 26, 2017
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  • Northeast Slopes - official site
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  • Last updated: August 29, 2023

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