Upper Mountain at Thunderbolt Ski Area
The Thunderbolt Ski Area, located on the Picard Farm off Gould Road, was started as a small, rope tow served ski slope in 1958.
Plans published with a late 1950s brochure called for a longer rope tow, as well as a 4,000 foot alpine lift. According to the brochure, the lift would have provided service to part of the Thunderbolt Ski Trail (though the farm was located near the Bellows Pipe Trail), as well as new trails up to 1.5 miles long.
These plans, as part of the Thunderbolt Ski Area, were never executed, and the small operation eventually closed sometime thereafter.
The overall theme of building a larger scale development on or nearby this area was later repeated in proposals for the Saddle Ball Ski Area and Greylock Glen Ski Area.
 Location map of the Thunderbolt Ski Area from a late 1950s brochure
 Thunderbolt Ski Area brochure cover (late 1950s)
 Late 1950s overview of the Thunderbolt Ski Area slopes
Last updated: April 25, 2015
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