Stateside Redevelopment at Jay Peak Resort
With a massive phase of expansion of the Tram base area completed, Jay Peak looked to rebuild its original base area, Stateside.
Starting with the 2012-2013 season, visible changes began, as the Queen's Highway T-Bar was replaced with a new fixed grip quad chairlift. The Taxi Quad provides an easier way for skiers and snowboarders of all levels to depart from Stateside and connect to the Tram base area.
In April 2013, demolition started on the Stateside Chalet. Replacing it will be a large base lodge and hotel.
In addition that spring, the apparent removal of Bonaventure Quad commenced. A new high speed detachable six person chairlift was expected to be installed adjacent to it, running up the Power Line trail. The quad was not fully removed, but rather truncated slightly uphill. It is not known if or when the high speed chairlift will be installed.
 A rendering of the 2013 lift project at Stateside
 A rendering of the new Stateside facility at Jay Peak
 The base terminal of the Bonaventure Quad (April 2013)
 The Bonaventure Quad towers (April 2013)
 The Stateside Chalet during demolition (April 2013)
 The Taxi Quad (2013)
Last updated: April 30, 2014
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