New Hampshire
Rhode Island
Black Mountain as seen from Doublehead (2008)
Black Mountain Resort
Jackson, New Hampshire
Status: Open
First Season:1935-36
Vertical Drop:1100 feet
Standing Lifts:1 triple, 1 double, surface lifts
Past Lifts:Surface lifts
Left: Black Mountain as seen from Doublehead (2008)
Recent News:
10/5/2024: Indy Pass to Purchase Black Mountain of...
9/30/2024: Future of Black Mountain to Be Revealed...
10/18/2023: Black Mountain Reverses Decision; Will O...
10/11/2023: Black Mountain in New Hampshire to Close Profile
Located in Jackson, Black Mountain is the oldest lift served ski area in New Hampshire.

CCC Days

Modern skiing on Black Mountain dates back to at least 1934, when the Civilian Conservation Corps cut the Black Mountain Ski Trail on the middle peak of the ridge. The trail and its cabin remain in use today, unconnected to the lift served alpine ski area.

Moody's and Whitney's


From a lift served skiing perspective, Black Mountain likely first opened in either December 1935 or early 1936 as a small rope tow area designed to bring more people to Moody's Inn. According to future owner Betty Whitney, the lift, constructed by George Morton, had hanging ropes and vertical bullwheels.

Mechanical engineer H. Holland "Bill" Whitney and his wife Helen "Betty" Whitney entered into an agreement to purchase Moody's circa September 1936, leveraging an inheritance. The couple subsequently renamed the inn "Whitney's." According to a letter decades later, Betty Whitney reported that they bought the ski lift from George Morton for $230. Meanwhile, the Jackson Ski Association was formed to promote skiing in the town. Carroll Reed, head of Eastern Slope Ski School, served as an advisor to the organization. Reed hired Benno Rybizka from Hannes Schneider's ski school in Austria to be the Eastern Slope Ski School's head instructor, basing the operation in Jackson.

In early December, Betty Whitney was nearly killed in an automobile collision near Rochester, New Hampshire. Whitney reportedly suffered a fractured skull and permanent damage to her vision.

The earliest known reference to skiing on Whitney's during the rainy 1936-37 season was late January, when Rybizka conducted lessons in his "typical Tyrolean hat, all decked out with fascinating silver ornaments and tipped in cavalier fashion at a most becoming angle to shade that already well-tanned face of his," according to the Boston Globe. The ski tow was reported to be "a popular affair." The slope was also reportedly lighted for night skiing and became known by some as Whitneys' Side Hill.

The Whitneys likely formally acquired the property from Ed Moody in May 1937. The tract reportedly spanned 100 acres.

A 1938 Whitney's advertisement
A 1938 Whitney's advertisement

New dorm-style rooms were added to the operation for the 1937-38 season. It is not known when the ski season started (snow was reportedly lacking around Christmas), but the lift was advertised as in operation before the end of December.

At some point in the late 1930s, perhaps for the 1937-38 season, Whitney reengineered the tow by changing the bullwheels from a vertical to horizontal orientation, and replacing the hanging ropes with dozens of Sears Roebuck & Co. shovel handles for easier riding and more reliable operation. By the time the 1938-39 season rolled around, the Eastern Slope Ski School had a staff of 21 Austrian and American instructors and was operating at Whitney's, Cranmore, and Russell's. In February, Hannes Schneider arrived at Cranmore and became head of the Eastern Slope Ski School.

Franz Koessler was named director of the Jackson branch of the Eastern Slope Ski School for the 1939-40 season, with Arthur Doucette serving as one of his instructors. A native of Austria, Koessler was known to exclaim, "Jeepers creepers!" to struggling beginners.

Early grooming at Black
Early grooming at Black

A new expert trail was added for the 1940-41 season. The Portsmouth Herald described it as "especially fast and steep." The season likely kicked off in late November or early December. Conditions were reported as poor over the holiday period, though business was reported as strong. A "new tow" was reported as going into operation just before Christmas, though subsequent accounts only alluded to one lift at the area.

Improvements for the 1941-42 season included smoothing of the main slope and adding the "Sugar Orchard Schuss." Just weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Whitney's reported record business over Christmas weekend. Some even hit the slopes as a last furlough before shipping out to serve.

Bill Whitney shipped out to Europe to operate a servicemen's club for the Red Cross, leaving Betty to operate the inn and ski area for the 1942-43 season. According to Nicholas Howe, on February 22, 1943, only three cars showed up, causing Betty to shut down the business and join the Red Cross effort. The area likely did not operate during the winter of 1943-44.

While serving in the Army in 1944, Franz Koessler was killed in a training accident at Camp Croft in South Carolina. Honoring a request made by Koessler, Bill Whitney installed a memorial plaque on the slope in December 1946.

Whitney's was back in operation in December 1944, advertising "The best of Skiing as usual."

Following World War II, Whitney's enjoyed a 200-skier day just after Christmas 1945. Arthur Doucette was named ski school director, a position he would hold for the next quarter of a century. A January thaw reaped havoc on the state, with Whitney's being one of the only areas managing to stay in operation. The season likely came to a close in mid-March, with Joe Dodge observing that in recent years, "The snow is coming earlier and going sooner."

A new rope tow operation opened just past Whitney's at the Davis Pasture in 1946, operated by Jake May.

The 1946-47 ski season at Whitney's likely kicked off just before Christmas, with more snow falling soon thereafter. A Boston Globe declared, "Skiing Conditions Best in Years at Jackson." The season likely extended into March.

Black Mountain Tramways, Inc.

A February 1948 stock advertisement
A February 1948 stock advertisement

In the post-war era, Whitney's was in danger of being left behind by bigger ski developments with newer and longer lifts. With the top to bottom Skimobile service in place at nearby Cranmore and a large development being proposed down the road at Thorn Mountain, Bill Whitney began to plan a chairlift development in 1947. Brothers Halsey and Stanton Davis were brought in as partners on construction of the mile long lift, which was to start in the spring of 1948. Meanwhile, Jake May shut down his Black Mountain rope tow, which was reportedly relocated to Duck Head.

After skiing at Whitney's in late December 1947, Boston Globe writer Pat Harty speculated that the new chairlift "will provide some top running for all classes of skiers, for, like Bill's present site with its shovel handle tow, terrain falls away in every conceivable degree of drop." Harty added that, "The good old rope tow, however, can still carry more passengers per hour than any other conveyance dreamed up for a ski hill to date."

Whitney actively recruited shareholders for his new Black Mountain Tramways, Inc. venture that winter, placing an advertisement in the Boston Globe. By this point, Whitney had reportedly acquired 1,000 acres of pasture land for the expanded ski development on "The Knoll."

As the fall of 1948 arrived, the expansion had been scaled back from a chairlift to a 3,500 foot Constam T-Bar constructed by John Roebling and Sons. There were plans, however, to hang chairs on the lift for off-season scenic rides. The base terminal of the lift was located near a former schoolhouse. Four trails were announced: the intermediate-expert Whitney Trail, the expert Davis Trail, the intermediate Hardscrabble Trail, and the novice Maple Trail. Juniper, Roller Coaster, Speedwell, and Bob-O-Link were subsequently added to the list of trails for the debut season. The Lynn Daily Item noted, "Bill [Whitney] has been real noble in considering it his problem to conserve trees rather than cut them down." The vertical drop of the new complex was about 750 feet, making it one of the largest lift-served areas in New England at the time. A 300-car parking lot was constructed, while plans were announced for a new base lodge for the following year.

Whitney's Becomes Black Mountain

The Knoll T-Bar
The Knoll T-Bar

To help rebrand the larger new area, Whitney's ski area was renamed Black Mountain. Unfortunately for Black Mountain, the 1948-49 season started with little to no snow. Joe Dodge told the Boston Globe that the region was in a drought and the snowless holiday period reminded him of 1931, 1937, and 1940. A mid-January 1949 Boston Globe piece noted that the new development was "100 percent complete" and that "the lack of snow has been a great help in smoothing the lift line to the point where it is much better than could have been hoped for in a normal year." Snow soon arrived, allowing for the season to kick off in late January. February was reportedly "marred by thaws and rain."

The intermediate Spruce Run was added and the Knoll Pastures slope expanded for the 1949-50 season. In addition, portions of Juniper and Roller Coaster were relocated (the latter receiving a new ending), while the T-Bar motor was redesigned so that the lift could operate faster. At the base, the warming hut and parking lot were expanded. A complimentary shuttle service was introduced for skiers arriving via the B&M Snow Train at the Intervale station.

Despite the poor winter of 1948-49, Whitney's was already fully booked for Christmas 1949 well in advance of the season. The season kicked off in mid-December with good crowds in what the Boston Globe called "the earliest opening of the Eastern Slopes region in the sport's history." The bounty only lasted a couple of days, as rain intervened and likely shut down the area for the rest of the month. Black managed to limp through January and much of February with generally less than a foot of snow.

Black made headlines in early March 1950, when the area publicized one of the first known junior ski patrol programs. Twelve year olds were allowed to participate by putting out caution flags, transporting patrol sleds, and carrying down equipment for injured skiers. The Concord Monitor quipped, "Black Mountain skiers look down, but not their noses, as the two popular youngsters ski by with a friendly 'Hi!'"

Snowpack grew to one to two feet in late March 1950. Unfortunately, skiers were done. During the first weekend of April, the Lynn Daily Item described skiing as "good with not a bare spot on the mountain," and that Black was "an example of a skierless ski spot" as "No more than thirty cars dotted the parking space all day." Nevertheless, the area remained open for the second weekend of April, even in the wake of the cancellation of the Tuckerman Inferno (the Portsmouth Herald questioned, "The normal course of New England weather furnishes suitable cover for the entire run only about once in four or five years. What's the use of planning for and ballyhooing an 'annual' event you can count on twice a decade?)."

The Whitneys broke ground on a new two-story wing in September 1950. The main floor of the addition featured a 100-person dining room, with additional guest rooms on the second floor and a game room in the basement. Meanwhile, the expert Jackson Standard trail was cleared with the intention of using it for racing time trials.

The early 1950s at Black and Whitneys'
The early 1950s at Black and Whitneys'

Black Mountain and the Eastern Slope region once again suffered from a lack of snow with the start of the 1950-51 season, as skiing likely didn't start until New Year's weekend. Good skiing was short lived, as poor conditions took hold soon thereafter. Rain hurt business in February, as snow trains were cancelled. Nevertheless, Black likely managed to remain open through the end of March despite never achieving deep base depths.

Meanwhile, Cranmore, Black Mountain, and Jackson Senator Winifred Wild unsuccessfully tried to stop the state funded Peabody base area development at Cannon Mountain, fearing the expansion would harm Eastern Slope Region business. Struggles did ensue, in large part due to winters with poor snowfall. Betty Whitney later reflected told the Mountain Ear, "during the late forties and early fifties, literally five years in 10 were poor snow years. Local businesses simply had to suffer through it." The Runaway trail was cut for the 1951-52 season, described by the Concord Monitor as "almost a mile long, 100 feet wide, and smooth enough to be used with a real light fall of snow."

The 1951-52 season likely kicked off in mid-December with nearly two feet of base. Bill Whitney told the Concord Monitor, "I've got a hunch, feeling, conviction, call it whatever you wish, that we'll get ample snow and business will be good this winter." Joe Dodge later announced that December 1951 was the third snowiest on record in Pinkham Notch, leaving Black with only a few bare spots throughout the otherwise snowy slopes.

A new lift drive was installed in February, as the Boston Globe noted, "they have been rushing the substitution of a Diesel-powered lift unit. Bill Whitney has perfect snow to go with the new unit." The replacement of the gasoline motor with a two-ton diesel was expected to increase uphill capacity from 700 to 800 passengers per hour.

Snow pack was deeper than any time in recent memory at this point, with a reported two to four feet of base. Black recorded 2,480 visitors over a Friday-Sunday stretch of Washington's Birthday weekend, placing it behind only Cranmore, Belknap, Sunapee, and Cannon. The Pat Harty noted in the Boston Globe, "Bill Whitney, who operates in Jackson, N.H., has run his 4-year-old T-Bar lift through three lean years. His figures for this year have spiraled upward."

The Speedwell trail was cut for the 1952-53 season. Described as 50 to 400 feet wide, the trail had an "intermediate grade drop" with a "series of steep pitches, with long flats below for getting back under control" and "a substantial wind-break of trees on its west side to make for comfortable skiing many days when the other trails are windswept," according to Pat Harty of the Boston Globe. At the bottom of the mountain, the Warming House was doubled in size. In addition, a new grooming contraption described by the Boston Globe as "a tractor with an endless belt of slats turning on its tractor treads" was acquired.

"Whitney's Whimsical Weathercast" was issued in the fall of 1952, predicting record snow. According to an article published by the Associated Press, Whitney's prediction was based on "lumbago in Jackson's oldest residents," "extra large nut hoards stored by squirrels," "hedgehog whiskers," and that "wasps have built their nests higher from the ground this year in an effort to keep them dry."

The Shovel Handle Tow circa 1953
The Shovel Handle Tow circa 1953

Snow arrived in mid-December 1952. Building off the success of the 1951-52 season, Bill Whitney told the Lynn Daily Item, "As far as general reservations go, I have never seen them so plentiful. In our seventeen years at the same old stand, we have never had as many advanced reservations as this year. All secured by deposits, too. There also seems to be a tendency towards longer stays this year." As New Year's approached, all but the Bob-O-Link and Speedwell were open, with the latter likely debuting on New Year's Day. Conditions suffered in places due to the new grooming device being used on wet snow, which subsequently froze. Multiple rain events slowed momentum for the rest of the season, which likely ended around the start of calendar spring.

Improvements for the 1953-54 season included cutting the novice 1.5 mile Sugar Bush trail, adding a second floor to the Warming House, and installing one or two novice rope tows. The season likely kicked off with a few inches of snow in mid-December, but halted a few days later, leaving Black Mountain closed for the rest of the month. Skiers migrated over to the Eagle Mountain golf course, which Bill Whitney referred to as being "just like Coney Island." Skiing didn't resume until the second weekend in January, confined to the shovel handle tow and rope tow. Conditions improved in February, resulting in a record Washington's Birthday weekend. The season nearly melted out at the beginning of March, with Bill Whitney starting off season maintenance before a storm later in the month briefly reopened the area.

Chairs were reportedly hung from the T-Bar during the 1954 off-season, providing scenic rides.

The Knoll T-Bar
The Knoll T-Bar

The shovel handle lift was upgraded to a J-Bar for the 1954-55 season. In addition, two new trails and rope tows were reportedly constructed. The season likely started just before Christmas, with Whitney debuting the new J-Bar.

In late January 1955, the "Old Schusser's Jamboree" was held, marking the 20th anniversary of the shovel handle tow, as well as the Eastern Slope Ski School. A plaque was unveiled as part of the ceremony, which attracted around 150 "old timers."

The area enjoyed a strong Washington's Birthday weekend in 1955, with the Boston Globe noting that on that Sunday, Black Mountain "not only had a serpentine line waiting for the ride up on the T-bar, but they loaded the two rope tows and the new J-stick lift on Whitney's pasture slopes all through the day." Though bare spots emerged from temperatures touching 60 degrees and subsequent rain, more snowfall allowed the area to operate through the start of April. Bill Whitney reported that the season topped the previous record by 10 percent.

1955 off-season projects included smoothing the slopes, widening the Sugar Bush trail, and moving the ski shop to the basement of the lodge to free up room for the cafeteria. The scenic chairlift operated six days per week during the off-season.

Early snowfall allowed the 1955-56 season to start on the J-Bar in early December. Black limped through the holiday season with one to six inches of base and bare spots reported, however the January thaw hit a few days later, shutting down the area for weeks. Deeper snowpack finally arrived in March, leading Black to advertise it as the best skiing of the season. The season may have extended into mid-April.

1956 off-season improvements included extending the J-Bar, overhauling the Speedwell trail, combining Jackson Standard and Black Beauty to create a new Jackson Standard, and cutting a new Black Beauty trail between Sugar Bush and Spruce Run. Children's rates were reportedly introduced.

A six-inch storm enabled a brief early December opening for the 1956-57 season. The area managed to reopen in time for Christmas, though some trails remained closed due to lack of snow. Black suffered through poor stretches, with the Portsmouth Herald noting in mid-February, "It's going to take some time for the other slopes to get back into shape. Thorn and Black Mountains in Jackson were almost ready for the lawnmower rather than the skier." The season likely melted out before the end of February. Nearby Thorn Mountain closed for good.

Snowmaking Era Begins

Bill Whitney golfing at Black in late December 1957
Bill Whitney golfing at Black in late December 1957

After years of struggling with natural snowpack, Bill Whitney decided to install snowmaking at Black Mountain. Whitney told the Portland Evening Express that he hoped the equipment would guarantee skiing from December to April, covering either side of the J-Bar slope. Along with Mittersill, the system was one of the earliest snowmaking installations in New England. Pat Harty of the Boston Globe noted that Whitney "gets far more weather, with the best snow making temperatures, there than in other areas where it has been tried. Bill did not buy it till he had run temperature charts for some time to make sure of it."

Dick Canfield was hired as manager for the 1957-58 season. Snowmaking was delayed until the middle of the month, as Black was awaiting delivery of a part. While virtually all other areas in New England were reportedly closed during the days immediately preceding and following Christmas, Black Mountain was able to operate on 2 to 3 inches of manmade snow on the Pasture slope. Whitney capitalized on the situation by posing for a golfing photo in front of the snow-covered slope.

Natural snow arrived in January, allowing for the main mountain to open. Snow continued to pile up, growing to 4 to 5 feet of reported base by mid-February. In early March, Bill Whitney told the Boston Globe, "We had broken every record in the book by the first of March. Every day of skiing we are getting this month is just adding to that margin." The season ended after the first weekend of April, resulting in 130 days of operation. Whitney remarked that the strong winter was predicted not by wooly-bear caterpillars, but by porcupine whiskers: "the porcupine's whiskers held true to form, as they've done for 30 years, and hit it right on the button. I'm sticking with the whiskers."

The base terminal building of the J-Bar was replaced for the 1958-59 season. The new "Tyrolean Style" structure included a new motor room and a ticket window. The Whitneys added seven guest rooms to the inn, as well as what was claimed to be one of the first sprinkler systems of its type in the state. Black also teamed up with Wildcat to offer a $30 seven-day joint pass.

The 1958-59 season likely started in early December on natural snow. The snow stuck around, leading to a good Christmas week. Bill Whitney was quoted in the Boston Globe as saying, "Never had such a good holiday period - more consecutively good days than ever before - 1000 or more skiers per day." The season likely lasted until late March or early April.

Improvements for the 1959-60 season included a new building near the T-Bar housing a nursery and ski patrol, as well as night skiing lights on Whitney's Hill, an illuminated skating rink, and a new artesian well. Robert Moody served as manager.

The 1960s

Black Mountain circa the mid-1960s
Black Mountain circa the mid-1960s

The 1959-60 season likely started during the weekend before Christmas on manmade snow. Snowpack was only a few inches deep during the first part of the season, but increased to nearly three to five feet as March arrived. In mid-March, Jackson held a Spring Fling event including fireworks at the ski area and a "silly balloon slalom" on Whitney's Slope. The season likely ended after the first weekend in April.

Black Mountain celebrated its 25th anniversary season by adding a new 1,150 foot Mueller T-Bar in 1960. Located between the J-Bar and main mountain T-Bar, the lift served the new Jubilee and Davis trails. The overall design of the mountain was said to be modelled after a European "ski circus," since skiers could descend from the top of any lift to the base of any other lift.

The 1960-61 season started in mid-December on limited terrain, reporting 200 skiers a day during the first weekend. The season likely melted out around the start of calendar spring.

Improvements for the 1961-62 season included bulldozing the top of the new T-Bar complex and improving the Bowl and S Turns. A fluke 20-inch snowstorm nearly opened Black in late November, however warmer weather likely melted the bounty before it could be skied. Snowmaking started a few weeks later, enabling turns on a few inches of snow on Whitney's Slope during the second weekend of December. New Year's weekend was particular strong, as Black reported more than 3,000 skiers in one day. The area reportedly survived four January thaws, rebounding in mid-March when a nor'easter dropped two feet of powder, leaving the J-Bar and T-Bar closed until snow removal operations could be completed. Bill Whitney reported the season as Black's best to-date "by a long shot."

To give experts more options, Black added Black Diamond and Big Dipper for the 1962-63 season. Roller Coaster was also improved and partially relocated. The winter was slow to arrive, leaving Black Mountain's manmade snow on the Whitney Slope to provide some of the only skiing in the region. Natural snow eventually arrived, boosting business for the balance of the season.

The new base lodge (December 1963)
The new base lodge (December 1963)

Black, Cranmore, and Wildcat joined together in advance of the 1963-64 season to form the "Big E" (short for "Eastern Slope") and offer the "Tri-Ticket." A five-day pass was advertised for $22, while a seven-day pass was also offered. Meanwhile, a new two-story base lodge was constructed near the T-Bar base terminals at Black, housing a restaurant, ski shop, and rental shop. A 10-inch snowstorm ushered in the 1963-64 season in early December with limited skiing.

The Chairlift Age

The Knoll T-Bar and Summit Double circa 1970
The Knoll T-Bar and Summit Double circa 1970

Once again finding itself dealing with new competition, including Attitash and Tyrol, Black Mountain made plans to expand the ski area. The Upper Mountain was opened for the 1965-66 season, served by Black's first chairlift. Increasing the vertical drop by 400 feet to 1,100 feet, the new chairlift was described by the Portsmouth Herald as "pretentious." The lift was dedicated by Governor John King on December 18, 1965, though it reportedly did not open to the public until later in the season.

Following a successful 1968-69 season in which business was up 30%, Bill and Betty Whitney retired to a home above Whitney's Slope, handing over the reins to former ski patrol director Don Murray and his wife Kathy. While Black was able to stay open through the tough years in the 1970s, there was not much growth. Sadly, shortly after celebrating his 40th wedding anniversary with Betty, Bill Whitney suffered a fatal heart attack while hiking a ski trail in October of 1976.

Financial Trouble

The Whitney Slope and J-Bar
The Whitney Slope and J-Bar

After a few tough seasons in the early 1980s (including a two-day 1979-80 season), a group of local businessmen took over Black Mountain and started a five year investment plan. For the 1982-83 season, the base lodge was expanded by 10,000 square feet.

Black Mountain Resort, Inc. sold the property to Black Mountain Development Corporation in September 1984. Led by Earle Wason, the new ownership hit the ground running, installing top to bottom snowmaking and a new triple chairlift. Circa 1985, retired General Electric employee Bill Lynn took over as General Manager and then president. Soon thereafter, George Fairbanks took over as president.

In July 1986, Ski Black, Inc. was formed, with both Lynn and Fairbanks as officers. The company leased the ski area from Black Mountain Development Corporation starting in July 1987, as the owners worked on real estate development. The ski area reported back to back record seasons in 1988-89 and 1989-90.

Paul Lodi succeeded Chip Taylor as General Manager of the ski area circa the 1990-91 season. Betty Whitney remained involved as a stockholder. The 1990-91 season also saw the construction of a glass walkway between the lodge and restrooms.

Fichera Takes Over

The J-Bar in 2014
The J-Bar in 2014

As the early 1990s progressed, loans began to pile up for Black Mountain Development Corp. On March 3, 1995, the company filed for bankruptcy. As part of the reorganization agreement, John Fichera and Northern Mountain Trust were selected to operate and acquire the ski area. In March of 1996, John and Andrew Fichera formed Alpine Resources Corporation as the owning organization of Black Mountain.

Snow tubing was offered starting with the 1995-96 season.

New glades were added for the 1997-98 season.

Betty Whitney passed away in February 2005 at the age of 102.

Near Closure and Rescue

Upper Maple Slalom in 2020
Upper Maple Slalom in 2020

After years of keeping Black Mountain afloat as an independent area surrounded by growing corporate resorts, the Fichera family announced in October 2023 that operations would cease "Due to circumstances beyond our control, including soaring energy costs, unpredictable weather, extreme staffing shortages throughout the region, and many other challenges." One week later, the closure decision was reversed when Erik Mogensen, owner of the Indy Ski Pass, announced he would provide assistance in getting Black Mountain operational while finding a new owner. Despite a warm winter with minimal natural snowfall, Black Mountain managed to open on limited terrain before Christmas and remain in operation through mid-March. Reports
Month Average Percent of Terrain Open
December25%    (2 reports)25 Open
January25%    (4 reports)25 Open
February80%    (9 reports)80 Open
March76%    (13 reports)76 Open
Recent Conditions Reports
Mar. 12, 2024 by alpinevillagepres
Spring Snow, Spring Snow
Feb. 10, 2024 by beccam
Spring Snow, Variable Conditions
Jan. 14, 2024 by rocket21
Loose Granular, Frozen Granular
Mar. 25, 2023 by nordicgal
Loose Granular, Frozen Granular
Mar. 12, 2023 by skiit
Loose Granular, Spring Snow
Black Mountain Resort on News
Recent Articles
Indy Pass to Purchase Black Mountain of New Hampshire - Oct. 5, 2024
Future of Black Mountain to Be Revealed Saturday - Sep. 30, 2024
Black Mountain Reverses Decision; Will Operate This Winter - Oct. 18, 2023
Black Mountain in New Hampshire to Close - Oct. 11, 2023
Black Mountain Unable to Open on Martin Luther King Day - Jan. 18, 2016
Smaller New Hampshire Areas Plagued by Equipment Problems - Mar. 23, 2015
Black Mountain Resort News Page

CCC Trails
Trail Name
Black Mountain TrailOpen

Expansion History
Upper Mountain
South Peak

Image Gallery
1959 Appalachia1960 Appalachia1961 Appalachia1962 Appalachia1962 Appalachia1977 Ski NH Brochure
View All Images in Black Mountain Resort Image Gallery

Click on lift name for information and photos
Standing Lifts
The East Bowl Triple in 2003
East Bowl Triple
Chairlift - Triple - Fixed
The Platter Pull in 2014
Platter Pull Lift
The Summit Double circa the 1970s
Summit Double
Chairlift - Double - Fixed
The J-Bar in 2004
Whitneys' J-Bar


Past Lifts
Looking uphill from the bottom terminal
Knoll T-Bar
The Whitneys riding the new T-Bar circa January 1961
Mueller T-Bar

2023-24 Black Mountain Trail Map
A circa 1950s Black Mountain trail map1957-58 Black Mountain Trail MapEarly to mid 1960s Black Mountain trail map1963-64 Black Mountain Trail Map1973-74 Black Mountain Trail Map1979-80 Black Mountain Trail Map
View All Black Mountain Resort Trail Maps

Year by Year History
Adult Weekend Full Day Lift Ticket; Adult Full Price Unlimited Season Pass
2020s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
2023-24$91.002023-24 Ticket Price Graph2023-24 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 23March 162023-24 Skier Visit Graph
2022-23$85.002022-23 Ticket Price Graph$649.002022-23 Season Pass Price Graph7.6 daysDecember 27March 262022-23 Skier Visit Graph
2021-22$72.002021-22 Ticket Price Graph2021-22 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 26March 182021-22 Skier Visit Graph
2020-21$62.002020-21 Ticket Price Graph$599.002020-21 Season Pass Price Graph9.7 daysDecember 19March 202020-21 Skier Visit Graph
2019-20$62.002019-20 Ticket Price Graph$599.002019-20 Season Pass Price Graph9.7 daysDecember 20March 152019-20 Skier Visit Graph
2010s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
2018-19$59.002018-19 Ticket Price Graph$599.002018-19 Season Pass Price Graph10.2 daysNovember 30April 142018-19 Skier Visit Graph
2017-18$59.002017-18 Ticket Price Graph$599.002017-18 Season Pass Price Graph10.2 daysDecember 2March 312017-18 Skier Visit Graph
2016-17$55.002016-17 Ticket Price Graph$700.002016-17 Season Pass Price Graph12.7 daysDecember 3April 152016-17 Skier Visit Graph
2015-16$55.002015-16 Ticket Price Graph$700.002015-16 Season Pass Price Graph12.7 daysJanuary 1March 92015-16 Skier Visit Graph
2014-15$55.002014-15 Ticket Price Graph$700.002014-15 Season Pass Price Graph12.7 daysDecember 13March 282014-15 Skier Visit Graph
2013-14$49.002013-14 Ticket Price Graph$600.002013-14 Season Pass Price Graph12.2 daysDecember 16March 292013-14 Skier Visit Graph
2012-13$49.002012-13 Ticket Price Graph$575.002012-13 Season Pass Price Graph11.7 daysDecember 15March 242012-13 Skier Visit Graph
2011-12$45.002011-12 Ticket Price Graph$469.002011-12 Season Pass Price Graph10.4 daysMarch 1831,7002011-12 Skier Visit Graph
2010-11$45.002010-11 Ticket Price Graph$469.002010-11 Season Pass Price Graph10.4 days44,9002010-11 Skier Visit Graph
2009-10$39.002009-10 Ticket Price Graph$499.002009-10 Season Pass Price Graph12.8 daysDecember 18March 272009-10 Skier Visit Graph
2000s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
2008-09$39.002008-09 Ticket Price Graph2008-09 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 12March 282008-09 Skier Visit Graph
2007-08$39.002007-08 Ticket Price Graph$499.002007-08 Season Pass Price Graph12.8 daysDecember 14March 302007-08 Skier Visit Graph
2006-07$32.002006-07 Ticket Price Graph$499.002006-07 Season Pass Price Graph15.6 daysDecember 232006-07 Skier Visit Graph
2005-06$32.002005-06 Ticket Price Graph$499.002005-06 Season Pass Price Graph15.6 daysDecember 22March 1925,0002005-06 Skier Visit Graph
2004-05$32.002004-05 Ticket Price Graph$499.002004-05 Season Pass Price Graph15.6 daysDecember 17March 2725,0002004-05 Skier Visit Graph
2003-04$32.002003-04 Ticket Price Graph2003-04 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 122003-04 Skier Visit Graph
2002-03$32.002002-03 Ticket Price Graph$499.002002-03 Season Pass Price Graph15.6 daysDecember 142002-03 Skier Visit Graph
2001-02$32.002001-02 Ticket Price Graph2001-02 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 262001-02 Skier Visit Graph
2000-01$32.002000-01 Ticket Price Graph2000-01 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 162000-01 Skier Visit Graph
1999-00$32.001999-00 Ticket Price Graph1999-00 Season Pass Price GraphMarch 261999-00 Skier Visit Graph
1990s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1997-98$32.001997-98 Ticket Price Graph1997-98 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 121997-98 Skier Visit Graph
1996-97$32.001996-97 Ticket Price Graph1996-97 Season Pass Price GraphMarch 3030,0001996-97 Skier Visit Graph
1994-951994-95 Ticket Price Graph1994-95 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 161994-95 Skier Visit Graph
1992-93$29.501992-93 Ticket Price Graph1992-93 Season Pass Price Graph1992-93 Skier Visit Graph
1991-92$29.001991-92 Ticket Price Graph1991-92 Season Pass Price Graph1991-92 Skier Visit Graph
1990-91$28.001990-91 Ticket Price Graph1990-91 Season Pass Price GraphMarch 171990-91 Skier Visit Graph
1989-90$28.001989-90 Ticket Price Graph1989-90 Season Pass Price GraphNovember 241989-90 Skier Visit Graph
1980s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1988-89$25.001988-89 Ticket Price Graph1988-89 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 101988-89 Skier Visit Graph
1987-88$24.001987-88 Ticket Price Graph1987-88 Season Pass Price Graph1987-88 Skier Visit Graph
1986-87$20.001986-87 Ticket Price Graph1986-87 Season Pass Price Graph1986-87 Skier Visit Graph
1985-861985-86 Ticket Price Graph1985-86 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 141985-86 Skier Visit Graph
1984-85$18.001984-85 Ticket Price Graph$350.001984-85 Season Pass Price Graph19.4 days1984-85 Skier Visit Graph
1980-81$11.001980-81 Ticket Price Graph1980-81 Season Pass Price Graph1980-81 Skier Visit Graph
1979-80$10.001979-80 Ticket Price Graph1979-80 Season Pass Price Graph1979-80 Skier Visit Graph
1970s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1978-79$9.001978-79 Ticket Price Graph1978-79 Season Pass Price Graph1978-79 Skier Visit Graph
1977-78$8.001977-78 Ticket Price Graph1977-78 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 171977-78 Skier Visit Graph
1976-77$8.001976-77 Ticket Price Graph1976-77 Season Pass Price Graph1976-77 Skier Visit Graph
1975-76$8.001975-76 Ticket Price Graph1975-76 Season Pass Price Graph1975-76 Skier Visit Graph
1974-75$8.001974-75 Ticket Price Graph1974-75 Season Pass Price Graph1974-75 Skier Visit Graph
1973-74$8.001973-74 Ticket Price Graph1973-74 Season Pass Price Graph1973-74 Skier Visit Graph
1971-72$7.001971-72 Ticket Price Graph1971-72 Season Pass Price Graph1971-72 Skier Visit Graph
1970-71$7.001970-71 Ticket Price Graph1970-71 Season Pass Price Graph1970-71 Skier Visit Graph
1969-70$7.001969-70 Ticket Price Graph1969-70 Season Pass Price Graph1969-70 Skier Visit Graph
1960s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1968-69$6.001968-69 Ticket Price Graph1968-69 Season Pass Price Graph1968-69 Skier Visit Graph
1967-68$6.001967-68 Ticket Price Graph1967-68 Season Pass Price Graph1967-68 Skier Visit Graph
1964-65$4.501964-65 Ticket Price Graph1964-65 Season Pass Price Graph1964-65 Skier Visit Graph
1963-64$4.501963-64 Ticket Price Graph1963-64 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 71963-64 Skier Visit Graph
1962-63$4.501962-63 Ticket Price Graph1962-63 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 151962-63 Skier Visit Graph
1961-621961-62 Ticket Price Graph1961-62 Season Pass Price GraphApril 21961-62 Skier Visit Graph
1960-611960-61 Ticket Price Graph1960-61 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 171960-61 Skier Visit Graph
1959-60$4.001959-60 Ticket Price Graph1959-60 Season Pass Price Graph1959-60 Skier Visit Graph
1950s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1958-59$4.001958-59 Ticket Price Graph1958-59 Season Pass Price Graph1958-59 Skier Visit Graph
1957-58$4.001957-58 Ticket Price Graph1957-58 Season Pass Price GraphApril 61957-58 Skier Visit Graph
1956-57$4.001956-57 Ticket Price Graph1956-57 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 11956-57 Skier Visit Graph
1955-561955-56 Ticket Price Graph1955-56 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 101955-56 Skier Visit Graph
1954-551954-55 Ticket Price Graph1954-55 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 22April 31954-55 Skier Visit Graph
1953-54$3.501953-54 Ticket Price Graph1953-54 Season Pass Price GraphMarch 281953-54 Skier Visit Graph
1952-53$3.501952-53 Ticket Price Graph1952-53 Season Pass Price Graph1952-53 Skier Visit Graph
1950-511950-51 Ticket Price Graph1950-51 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 301950-51 Skier Visit Graph
1949-50$3.001949-50 Ticket Price Graph1949-50 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 10April 91949-50 Skier Visit Graph
1940s Ticket Price Season Pass Price
Pass Payback
Opening Day
Closing Day
Skier Visits
1948-49$3.001948-49 Ticket Price Graph1948-49 Season Pass Price Graph1948-49 Skier Visit Graph
1946-471946-47 Ticket Price Graph1946-47 Season Pass Price GraphNovember 281946-47 Skier Visit Graph
1945-461945-46 Ticket Price Graph1945-46 Season Pass Price GraphDecember 71945-46 Skier Visit Graph
1942-431942-43 Ticket Price Graph1942-43 Season Pass Price GraphFebruary 221942-43 Skier Visit Graph

Visitor Memories
"nobody mentioned the Sugaring Off Race and events. ????? Lots of Fun. "
steve colby, Mar. 9, 2019
"My father was in charge of the training, certification and record keeping for the ski patrol as well as maintaining all the equipment for the ski patrol. I grew up spending time around Black Mtn as a kid until the fire of the summit double brought in the Fichera era. I spent time in the off season helping around the base lodge as well being used during ski patrol refresher training and lift evacuation drills. I can't tell you how many times I was strapped to a back board and flipped upside down or stood on my head because the adults thought it was funny. We still have an old center post chair from the double and I remember when the new chairs were installed. The old thiokol groomer caught fire and burned up and our new LMC groomer suffered a catastrophic failure. It was dragged off the mountain never to be seen again as LMC had gone out of business and there was nobody to honor the warranty. "
Jon Blake, Dec. 22, 2015
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External Links
  • Black Mountain Resort - official site
  • Black Mountain - Hiking Guide
  • Last updated: October 8, 2024

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