Upper Mountain at Black Mountain Resort
With other areas in the Eastern Slope region quickly growing and modernizing, T-Bar serviced Black Mountain ran the risk of getting left behind in the dust. While it had enjoyed years of being a top ski area in the region, new upstarts such as Wildcat, Tyrol, and Attitash were sprouting up.
After nearly two decades of operating its T-Bar up to the Knoll, Black installed its first chairlift for the 1965-66 season. A Mueller double, the new lift climbed1,100 vertical feet while running 4,360 feet in length. A unloading station would be installed adjacent to the top of the T-Bar at the Knoll, above which the new chair climbed nearly 250 more vertical feet. New trails were opened, including some very steep, short expert chutes.
The new lift was dedicated on December 18, 1965, opening the new terrain and ushering Black Mountain into the chairlift age.
After a fire decades later, many Mueller components were replaced with Riblet parts.
 The 1972 Black Mountain trail map showing the Upper Mountain area above the top of the T-Bar
 The beginning of the segment of the double chairlift above the Knoll
 The beginning of the segment of the double chairlift above the Knoll
 The top of the double chairlift
 The top of Lostbo (2014)
 One of the summit chutes (2014)
 Looking down toward the Knoll from one of the summit chutes (2014)
 Views of Mt. Washington from the top of the Upper Mountain complex (2014)
Last updated: March 30, 2014
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